Student-athletes learn leadership lessons at NCAA forum

Posted on Friday, December 06, 2024

Students and administrator take part in conference

Senior Kendyl Anderson and junior Jaylan Harris gained new perspectives on what it means to truly be a leader at the NCAA Leadership Forum held in November in Charlotte, North Carolina. Along with Megan Hudson, Assistant Director for Student-Athlete Services and Recreation, the LC representatives attended the annual event that drew participants from across all NCAA divisions.

The four-day forum focused on the theme “Light the Torch,” inspired by the Summer 2024 Olympics.

“It was a unique, amazing experience,” Anderson said. “I was really grateful to have this opportunity from Megan Hudson and Terlynn Olds who helped get me there.”

She said the forum gave her a better understanding of various leadership techniques and how to embrace vulnerability.

“I learned there are different leadership styles that are successful and that it is okay to be vulnerable and let other people take the reins for a while, so you can figure things out,” Anderson said.

Harris shared similar sentiments about the experience.

“I enjoyed getting to build relationships, build connections and being able to hear different perspectives on leadership,” he said. “I also learned about self-management and how it plays a role in developing a leader.”

For Hudson, the forum provided her with the chance to learn from others in her profession.

“This event was truly life-changing for me,” she said. “Being surrounded by like-minded individuals and administrators helped put so much into perspective for me. I received invaluable insights on how to be a better leader for my student-athletes.”

The experience emphasized leadership's broader impact, according to Hudson.

“One of the key takeaways for me was the reminder that leadership is not just about leading teams, but about empowering others—especially student-athletes—as they grow into the next generation of leaders,” she said.


Campus Notes

Survival kits for students

  • The Wisteria Garden Club, made up of LC alumni and friends, recently packed and delivered 53 Survival Gift Bags to support students during finals week. From left are Genie Sutton, Brenda Spradley, Marjorie Steis Bowling ’58, Harriet Wigley, Ann Blackwell, Gail Lee Gordon ’80, Debbie Massengale, Susan Haak Hinson M’94, Ed.S. ’11, Suzanne Countness Cook ’92 and Elaine Howard.
  • LaGrange College’s GivingTuesday campaign will be extended through Sunday, Dec. 8, so those who missed being part of the global day of generosity can still have their gift count. Anyone interested can go to or text GIVE to 706-954-2273 to make a qualifying gift.


Collegiate Enrichment

Student Life Candidate Presentation

Friday, Dec. 6

11:15 a.m., Corn Auditorium

Meet Student Life candidate Stephanie Nix, who will speak about the benefits of Welcome Week and how students can build connections, feel welcomed and supported on their collegiate journey.



Men’s Basketball

Team to play in tournament

LC fell to North Carolina Wesleyan 82-69 on Sunday, Dec. 1, and Sewanee 91-72 on Wednesday, Dec. 4. The Panthers hit the road to face Warren Wilson on Wednesday, Dec. 11.

Women’s Basketball

Team to play in Atlanta

The Panthers beat Point University 73-58 on Wednesday, Dec. 4. The team will play on the road against Warren Wilson and Southeastern Baptist in a tournament Dec. 14-15 at Oglethorpe University.


Panther Calendar

(Please note that schedules may change due to circumstances beyond our control. Please check to confirm.)

Wednesday, Dec. 11 – Men’s Basketball at Warren Wilson, 5 p.m., Asheville, North Carolina


In the Headlines

LaGrange College choirs to perform holiday concert, LaGrange Daily News, Dec. 2

Category: College, Students

Keywords: Athletics, Networking

Last updated: 12/06/2024